More and more people are interested in the process of karma removal meditations and the fact what this is all about. Maybe I would start with the fact to highlight that karma removal doesn’t mean to cross out feelings, bad memories, etc. in our life but rather the realignment of energies. When the soul decides to incarnate into the physical world, it also decides that it will be divided into two parts. To our reality no one is born as a ‘whole’ person, since this is the world of duality. That’s why we are continuously looking for our other part in our entire life. We could never experience the perfection on Earth, because we always came to experience and finally arrive at perfection. Before our birth we have selected the important characters and happenings in our coming life. For this we were given guardian Angels who help us to fulfill the plan. Yet our planet is in a great transformation and completely different laws reign today than years or even months ago. We were given much greater free will than before and from now onward we can rewrite our life. Not only our soul but our physical body also changes in the dimensional shift. Our body is going to change from a carbon based to a silicon based system. Maybe you already feel this change on you. Our sense of taste also changes and now we are heading backwards to the nature regarding nutrition. It is very important to consume herbs (Aloe Vera, Ginseng), minerals, Ca, Vitamin-C, since all these facilitate the infiltration of Si to our body. Liquids are also of great importance such as pure spring-waters and herbal teas. This way the purification and transformation processes are much faster.
The karma itself is the law of causality. Nothing happens by chance in our world. Everything has a well-defined reason. We always experience if something good happens and we feel happy then the other part of our lives fall into pieces in the world of duality. In the world of duality this forms the balance. One has known that complete happiness doesn’t exist. Though I believe that our attitude matters really a lot. Good news is that now this fact changes. Now you can clear away the junk, blockages and obstacles accumulated in the past hundreds or even thousand years of your life. Now you have the chance to really enjoy your life on this wonderful planet and to find that miracle that is you. Moreover, to realize what you are doing here and to understand your divinity.
The lightworkers have undertaken a special role and work in the transformation of the planet. They live here to help people through this difficult period, help in being consciousness, and help people in discovering their true self. According to my experience the lightworkers realize first the necessity for the karma removal. That we need to be cleansed, remove our blockages to be able to undertake our role. A lot of people live their life without goals, which is due to great number of blockages accumulated in their hundreds or thousands of lives. They are simply not able to progress. Relationships lie in ruins and it has never been so many desperate, depressed and suicide people in our world. Impecuniousness brings people to ruin. Their own blockages prevent them to realize who they are in reality and why they came to this world. They have no idea and do not understand how to progress. If you feel that any field of your life doesn’t work well, if you don’t find any way out, if you tried everything without success, even if the law of attraction doesn’t work for you, then you should know that you’re not in the right track. You are not living your life task that you decided, that’s why you’re unhappy. The relationships fall apart, the twin souls find then suddenly leave each other because the blockages and old energies are still working. You cannot experience true love and happiness, while the old energies are functioning within you. They need to be stopped to rebuild your relationships with new energies. Till now there has been a code within us that said every field of our lives can’t be perfect. Everything can’t go well. This doesn’t mean that karma removal tears the relationships. They are just rearranged. Recently, I heard from many people who live in a good relationship that fear is still present. Finding the other part of your soul is in vain if you hurt each other in previous lives. Despite of the love these energy fingerprints are present in you and they do not allow you to experience your relationship in its perfection. And many people complain that they can’t find their place in their life task or job. With the karma removal we also clean off those blockages, which prevent finding your life task. To explore, realize and find in which direction you need to go and what you need to do. For these we hold separate meditation days. The karma removal is basically a process. For how long it last is based on the person. The series comprise 6 parts. The karma is started to be removed with working on the relationship with your partner. The partner relationship is very important in terms of the future of humanity. Partner relationship is the topic that provides great progression or suppression in the progress of people. First of all it is very important to mention that this field forms an important part of spiritual development. This is where you can progress very quickly and your partner expresses an instant ‘mirror of you’. The functioning of your relationship represents your level of progression and maturity. It may indicate which fields of your life need to be altered. Within a relationship the motivation is always strong to solve problems. Because deep feelings are in the background and this is a great driving force. When the entire series is performed all the junk and mess in this present life and all previous lives will be cleared away. Thus these will not have an effect on the present and future anymore. We approach from the direction of relationship but it has an effect on all fields of one’s life. As you can read in the blog, the life task of a number of people has been activated from this. I work with a number of different blockage cleansing methods for a long time but this is the fastest and most influential way. During these meditations we get teachings as well. Because the karma can only be removed if you realized why it had been present in your life. It can’t be solved by ‘energy work’ only. You must understand the facts and happenings in your life, otherwise they have been completely meaningless. We work with distinct lightbeings who accompany us during the whole process. In case all the understandings didn’t happen during the meditation, then the lightbeings stay with us even for weeks, while we get opportunities that help in the understanding. That’s why most people feel that the things are speeded up after these meditations. We are starting to be cleansed very quickly. This cleansing goes through our physical body as well. The karma removal meditations are separated into different topics. According to my experience it is worthy to go through all meditation topics because you never know when a deep memory, blockage or feeling will come up to be cured. The topics are not based on each other, therefore it doesn’t matter how you start. The separate meditation events are numbered to distinguish between the separate parts easily. We cleanse all relationships, stop the dependencies, black arts, magical bindings. We destroy the inferiority complex and we generate emotional stability. We awaken our own power of soul and we work to be able to experience the true love and the God living in ourselves. We stop jealousy and victim role. We reach the complete forgiveness and set back the confidence. We clear off blockages generated in the childhood and cleanse the relationship with family members. In the end we realize our true self and dare to experience our feelings. Sexual blockages, suppressions are also cleansed. Finally we can discover our own value and could get initiation into our life task, the work as a lightworker, and for the assistance of people. The best news is that during this entire process the lineal relatives are also cleansed (parents, children, brothers and partner). Many reports start with: ‘the best is that my loved ones went through a great change’. We can admit that this is a fantastic thing, because not everyone is able to realize the necessity of blockage cleansing and importance of changes. Thus we can help them this way. So I can only recommend to you that if you feel the need for changes, don’t waste your time. Things do not change by themselves, you have to make the decision. As I used to say, you can fly your way meanwhile touching the ground. This might hurt! Believe me. I am looking forward to seeing you!
Best greetings,